Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Thousand and Eighty-Eight Hours Later...

Wow! So much has happened since I last posted in May. Most significantly, I'm all the way across the country now living in Lynchburg, Virginia. Loving life here on the East Coast:) I just want to quickly share some of the things that have been happening with our Clean Eating Journey over the last 4 months...

We've stayed strong with our nutrition for the most part. I would say that 99% of the time, my wonderful husband is clean. I'm not so great with self-control, but about 75% of the time, I'm clean. The physical reflections of our hard work are evident. He has had some serious weight fall off, 60+lbs. I'm still sticking around 25lbs lost. His key is just to never compromise. He WILL NOT put junk in his mouth. And every time he thinks he's gonna enjoy a little bite of something junky, he ends up nearly gagging and spitting it out. (Kinda makes me mad because I'm usually on my 4th bite and really enjoying myself when he so RUDELY reminds me that what I'm eating isn't good for me). ANYway...we're just rollin' how we roll. I take breaks, sometimes long ones...he doesn't take breaks and he is healthier (sexier), leaner, and stronger than ever. (Oh yeah, he works out every day too. Show-off!) Overall, I would say that the work I've put in very accurately reflects my limited results. It all comes down to discipline! No easy road, quick fix, overnight results going on in this house!!

Well, now that I've broken the ice after 4 months of neglecting my are some current pics. Enjoy!! Oh, and, for real, I'm planning on sharing some recipes soon. And annoying you with a food journal...

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