Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Staying on Track

  We're doing great!! We've never felt better! I'd love to put an exclamation mark at the end of each sentence, but it gets old quick! Ok, but seriously, we are CLEAN. We mean business. In fact, my hubby told me last night-"I hope you're not planning on getting over this lifestyle, because I'm NOT going back to our old ways." Which to me, means two things that may at first glance seem daunting. 

1) I'm going to spend the rest of my LIFE in the kitchen. Prep, prep, and more prep. 

2) I'm going to be in the kitchen for the REST of my life. Hardly sounds like rest to me:(

  But, there's another side to each coin and I choose (yes, willfully) to see the more positive side of this situation:

  First, the obvious-I'm making ALL of the food that we put into our mouths. So the food will inherently be more healthful because it will not be processed and tainted with chemicals, etc...We are not living to eat anymore. We are eating to LIVE. So the more "alive" your food is, the more alive your body will be. And that's the obvious good reason, the benefits of a clean life. 

  Secondly, guess what moms? We're going to be in the kitchen for the rest of our lives anyway. Why not make the most of the job we've been given by our Creator? I want to take responsibility in this area that has been entrusted to me. I love that God trusts me enough to give me these children and this man to love and nurture! And what's great about it is that He has given me all of the tools I need. Not just in the area of nutrition, but in all facets of living out this life on earth. But, since we're discussing nutrition-YES-He has given us everything we need for our bodies to function as best they can. So, there's my encouragement. God Himself is right here with me, cheering me on, giving me all I need to succeed. If I'm careful with what He has entrusted to me, how much more will that love and nurturing and care-taking spill over to my children and then to their children and so on? 

   And so, yeah, I know it's a lot of work. It's a lot of planning and preparation. It's a lifestyle. It's day in, day out. But it's also a blessing. And I don't expect perfection. I think it's important to share that also. We've already had some "unplanned and unprepared" moments in the last month. Guess what? Life happens. And thankfully, when you choose to be better 90% of the time, you reap the benefits of it. It's not about that other 10% when you've slipped. There are times to celebrate and eat rich foods. There are many times when we just won't feel like cooking a chicken breast and we're wanting a hamburger with cheese and mayo. EAT IT! But, remember that you are responsible for how many "non-nutritive" things you and your family eat. 

  Even when it seems you don't have control over the things your children eat, (thank goodness for Grandmothers, but OMGosh, the SUGAR!)you have control when they're at your house, at your breakfast table, snack table, lunch table, and dinner table. Making the most of those times when you as Mother are responsible for their well-being is the key. Kids will eventually grow in the understanding that eating the foods God made for their bodies to grow up strong and healthy is what is best for them. They naturally want to please you and please God. Talk about why you're eating the foods you eat. Verbalize the benefits of eating apple slices as opposed to eating donut holes. Encourage them to eat clean more often than not, yet allow them the freedom to make unhealthy choices.

  My children have already found that after NOT eating processed sugar for a few weeks, an entire bag of M&M's is TOO MUCH sugar for their little bodies. And although I knew as their watchful eye mother hen that they'd get sick, and though I explained in excruciating detail how they would feel if they ate the whole bag...first-hand experience trumps a good lecture! As long as Mama sticks to clean eating, babies will follow.

  Can I talk briefly about the benefits I've experienced thus far? My energy levels are improved. For example, I'm typing this at 3pm, which was previously NAP TIME BABY! Haha! My skin looks better, my sugar cravings are very much diminished. If I want something fun and sweet, I'll either eat a baked sweet potato, topped with a little flax infused healthy* spread and cinnamon (*healthy means better than it could be)or I'll have a piece of dark chocolate. It seriously does the trick. I love it. I was SO addicted to sugar before and I'm totally over it. LOVING THAT. I never thought I'd be able to kick it. And about those sweet potatoes...I LOATHED sweet potatoes until about 3 weeks ago. Couldn't stand the sight, smell, or taste. But for some reason, after cooking one for my husband, I decided to try it again for the first time. To my utter disbelief-it tasted SO good. SO SWEET. Now I eat one almost every day because they are SO healthy and just packed with everything nice to your body. 

  There are loads of other benefits I've noticed, including the weight loss and inches lost, but also some not-so-desirable side effects of noshing on greens and beans. And eggs. I think you see where I'm headed with this. All of the material I've read so far says that once your body gets used to this new way of eating, the monstrous amount of gas you produce should level off and eventually go away. Um...could this please hurry up and happen already? I mean, I do have a husband that I'd like to keep. And the funny and most embarrassing thing about this- hubby has NO gas. Nice. He could at least have it right along with me...blehh. But I consider it all part of the process and someday I'll laugh at it. Someday. 

  And now you know WAY too much about me. 

Anyone else new to eating clean? Any suggestions? 


  1. Good job, Talisha. I'm sure you've probably done it already, but you should watch the documentaries "Food Inc" and "The Beautiful Truth". They are just major reinforcement for what you are doing. Keep up the good work!

  2. Awesome! I'm motivated now.... thanks Talisha... You are a moving force for me more than you know. I aswell am trying to be healthier but slowly... the hubby is picky, any recipes you can share would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to more posts!! Great job, you are a wonderful wife and mother!!!
